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Hey hey!! I hope you are all doing well!

Is it too late to wish you all a Happy New Year? Technically we are still in the 'New Year' of 2015 suppose... So, here we go: "HAPPY NEW YEAR" There I said it.

We are now almost at the end of January and this week is apparently the week where people 'fall off the (fitness) wagon' and quit their New Year's Fitness Resolutions. I've been training in the gym a lot the last few weeks when I can and as we come close to the end of January, I've noticed a decrease in numbers of new, enthusiastic gym bunnies. My message to you is DO NOT GIVE UP!

If you are thinking of quitting, drop me an email/facebook message or text and I will help you not to give up. It's always too easy to say "I can't" because then you don't have to do anything. If you've had the conversation with your friends over the Christmas period:

You: "I'm going to get fit in the New Year"

Your Friends: "Yeah, yeah. I will give you until the end of January"

We've all been there. And unfortunately we have all sometimes proved our


friends RIGHT. We have quit for whatever reason - Except this time. Be the person who sticks to the plan and really prove your friends wrong.

Set goals and smash them. It doesn't matter how small the goals are. Just believe in yourself and you are half way there.

GET LEAN IN 2015!!

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