How do I get a 6 pack - I want ABS!!!!
Hey! Hope you are all having an amazing week and enjoying this wonderful weather we are having! (Apologies if it's raining where you are!)
So, today's blog post is about ABS or Abdominal muscles or Six packs. A client asked me a few days ago how she would go about getting a really defined stomach or even a 6-pack. Now, to be fair, she's in pretty good shape already; reasonably low body fat and quite fit. But she wants to have a 6 pack. So I thought i'd share the advice with you...
Everyone, men and women want to have a flat stomach, or even abs showing. It promotes fitness and sexiness. But it does come at a price. Everyone already has a six-pack. They are just hiding under a layer of body fat.
There is no fast and no easy. Just dedicated workouts and a diet that will make you want to scream! No junk food, no booze. And when you have reached your desired look, you have to work even harder to keep it there by sustaining the lifestyle that helped you get there to sustain your abs!
Now, why would you do all that? As previously mentioned - It promotes healthiness and sexiness. I do it personally, because it makes me feel better when I'm getting changed. I'd much rather look in the mirror and see a 6-pack of abs, rather a 6-pack of beer!
So, back to the advice: How do I get a Six-Pack
You will need to make some dietary adjustments to really get rid of the layer of body fat that is keeping your six-pack snug.
Try to eat small meals during the day - Around every 2-3 hours if possible.
Have a portion of protein with every meal (Lean meat, eggs, fish)
Try to avoid refined and processed foods wherever possible.
Cut out the CRAP:
(C)arbonated drinks
(R)efined sugar
(A)rtifical sweetners and colours
(P)rocessed foods
5. Drink plenty of water - at least 2-3 litres per day. This will stop you feeling hungry
6. No booze, chocolate or junk food - Nothing at all for a period of time
7. Allow yourself a cheat meal every 10 days or so. It can be anything you want, but don't fall back into bad habits.
8. Breakfast, try and get some starchy carbs - Oatmeal/rye and a piece of fruit. (This could be for your second meal also)
9. Lunch - Sweet potato, brown rice, brown pasta (small portions) are good options
10.Evening meals should be full of veg, but avoid root veg. Try not to have any starchy carbs
Keep protein higher than carbs and fat to a minimum. Avoid saturated fat at all costs.
Although diet is arguably more important than workout out to drop body fat, you still need to do some work to drop that body fat % to reveal your abs. Give this workout a go:
Cardio: Love it or hate it, we all have to do it to drop body fat.
AB Workout: Carve and define the abs in your torso!
Give these exercises a try:
Cardio: HIIT Training (High Intensity Inverval Training)
Ensuring you are fully warmed up (Jogging on the spot for 3-4 minutes) and stretching:
20 seconds High Knees
20 seconds Kick flicks (Heels to your backside)
20 seconds sprints on the spot
Rest 10 seconds & repeat 3 times
20 seconds Mountain/Hill Climbers
10 x Burpees
20 x Jumping Jacks
Rest 10 seconds & repeat 3 times
AB Workout Examples:
30 x Crunches
20 x Russian Twists
20 x Crunches Knees to chest
Plank Hold - As long as you can
Rest 20 seconds & repeat twice through
NOTE!! If you feel in any pain or discomfort, do not continue exercising. Consult your doctor before commencing any physical activity, especially if you haven't exercised for a while.
If you wish to have a more detailed, personalised exercise plan, please e mail me:
Have a great week!
In Best of Health,